Brass-Roots Campaign
This heart-warming story of soldiers writing the editors of their hometown newspapers and enunciating, in their homespun and querelous prose, the fabulous successes of their Iraq mission would stir the cockles of even the most Sadaam-loving liberals. Except that the soldiers say they didn’t write them, often didn’t sign them, and approved them under conditions where it would be impossible to refuse or express doubt. Plus, each letter was exactly the same, and some were hilariously misdirected, based on ancient information in the soldiers’ files regarding their “home” towns.
One wants to blame the White House for this effort, and the tactics at least are characteristic of that cynical and corrupt station. There seems to be, however, too much familiarity with mundane miitary life in the letter for it to have been authored by the upper echelons of the Chicken Hawk Brigade.