On The Beach

Mrs. Perils and I are in Pawley’s Island, SC, just south of Myrtle Beach, for a family reunion of sorts  I have a brother that lives in Charleston;  my youngest brother and wife from Atlanta drove over, and my mom has flew down from Toledo.  I believe about ten years ago, my mom & dad started driving down to SC in the spring, golfing their way down & back, and they found this place, Litchfield Beach, and kept coming back each year.  I’ve joined them on occasion over the years, including once in the fall when my youngest brother held his wedding on the beach here.

This is Mrs. Perils’ first trip down here - it’s a long way to travel for the purpose of subjecting one’s self to in-laws, but I think she’s enjoying herself.  One drawback - there are no rock-climbing opportunities, and she’s suffering a bit of withdrawal.  As my brother says, they don’t call it the Low Country for nothing.

I’ll post some pictures later today.