Archive for the ‘My Old Salon Blog’ Category.

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The Woodland Park Rose Garden is a short walk from our house.  Three weeks ago, there was NOTHING in bloom. 

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The Woodland Park Rose Garden is a short walk from our house.  Three weeks ago, there was NOTHING in bloom. 

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These grow wild in the yard, and have always been a harbinger of summer for me.  I take special care to mow around them.  Yeah, my fence needs painting.  Maybe later.

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These grow wild in the yard, and have always been a harbinger of summer for me.  I take special care to mow around them.  Yeah, my fence needs painting.  Maybe later.

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Mock Orange













I returned from two weeks on the road to find our double-white mock orange in full bloom.  Seattle has had some incredible weather while I’ve been gone (natch), and everything has just busted out.

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Mock Orange













I returned from two weeks on the road to find our double-white mock orange in full bloom.  Seattle has had some incredible weather while I’ve been gone (natch), and everything has just busted out.

Show Me A Sign

Working in Georgia for a few days.  There seems to be a church about every half-mile in any direction, all with pithy readerboards.  One of the more disturbing in terms of imagery said:

‘Be ye fishers of men’ - You catch them, God will clean them.

More from Chicago this weekend.