My New Living Room

As I’ve mentioned, I work at home when I’m not on a client’s site, as an accounting software consultant.  I’ve discussed the tendency, absent the need to appear at an office every morning, towards slovenliness, and how I’ve gotten comfortable with it.  Since Thanksgiving, however, my mother-in-law has been living with us (and that’s ok, I’ll expand on that another time), and I’ve started to feel a little bit claustrophobic and fishbowl-ish lately.

I discovered a new espresso venue a couple weeks ago that the other neighborhood slackers haven’t found yet.  Although I know that a) you’re not slackers and b) you almost certainly don’t live in my neighborhood, I still won’t tell you where it is, other than that its name for these purposes is, oh, Cafe Maree.

I ordered my usual coffee drink, “a double-shot and a spoonful or two of non-fat foam”, and the baristress said, “oh, a macchiatto.”, and I was gratified and encouraged that this was going to turn out good.  I camped out at a table, spread out some papers and booted my laptop.  After 20 minutes or so, the proprietor came over, noticed my WiFi card and asked if I had a good connection.  There had been no indication that any internet connection was available, and I hadn’t even asked.  In about 30 seconds I had a WiFi connection and was off and surfing.  The only difference from the home office is that I’m shaven and dressed, and the coffee is arguably better.  I wonder if they’ll notice that I have a bedroll the next time I show up?