Seattle recognized as 2nd-most literate city in US?

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My hunch about the AfroCelts show was dead on - it was one of the best live shows I’ve been to. And I was wrong to deprecate the African component of their ensemble. The band had 10 musicians on stage, including electric Irish pipes and flutes, lots of varied percussion, violin and a large penile instrument called a kora that sounded like an electrified klemba. They referred us to their web site for information about the instruments they played, but the site is poorly designed, and I can’t find anything there about either instruments or personnel. They filled 2 hours with enthusiasm and energy.

The Showbox handled the “all-ages” issue by having a separate wrist stamp for over-21, and having secure access to the bar areas. The Showbox used to serve food, and we skipped dinner to get to the show on time only to find out that they’ve done away with all except chips. And while Seattle is a lot livelier than it used to be, it’s still nearly impossible to find anyone serving food at midnight, even in the toney Belltown district. There’s always the hot dog vendor outside music venues after a show, and we were fools to pass it up in search of something more upscale.

The lead act was pretty interesting, too. DJ Derek Mazzone and another guy performed, Mazzone spinning a mix and the other guy doing something like tubal throat singing. They were accompanied by a pair of lithe belly dancers. They’re appearing Friday night at ToST.