Tyco Case Starting to List?

Okay, raise your hands if you’re starting to get the queasy feeling, like I am, that these guys are gonna skate?  The logic of the defense is that since they stole so openly and frequently without being told not to by the mutant foxes on the henhouse’s board of directors, then it’s not a crime.  Worse, the judge has given clarifying instructions to the jury that may restrict them to that conclusion.

I’m not a lawyer, but I still wonder why the Feds are so languid in their pursuit of these corporate scandal cases - it seems as though, were it not for Eliot Spitzer and the Oklahoma attorney general, we wouldn’t be seeing even this level of prosecution.  We already know whose pocket the Justice Department is in, and the SEC is way too busy gazing at its own navel.

Tell ya what - if Kozlowski and Swartz are acquitted, I’ll put on my apron, grab a rolling pin out of the cupboard, and join a Free Martha march.