Day 8: Does This Sitka Spruce I’m Wearing Make Me Look Fat?

A picture named GwynneCreekTrail02.jpg

A picture named Sluggamus Snotticus.jpg

On our last full day here,  it finally dawned clear and stayed sunny, if a bit chilly, all day.  We decided to return to Cape Perpetua and take one of the 3 or 4 hikes that originate there, opting for the Gwynne Creek trail and its 8-mile round trip.  This trail climbs steadily upward through a forest of magnificent old-growth Sitka spruce and Douglas fir to the halfway point, then returns in a winding, gentle descent through a creek canyon.  Although you go several miles inland, you’re never out of earshot of the surf’s roar.

No hike in the northwest is complete without at least one slug encounter.