Full-throated Spring Barrels Into the Northwest

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The combination of spring moisture and a spate of premature summer sunshine has fueled a burgeoning of plant activity around here this last week.  You can hear the rustle as blades, buds and blossoms jostle each other to fill the space.

I’m not sure if there’s anything more inexplicably festive and gaudy than a bleeding heart.  And that azalea could find a spot in the paddy wagon with the other shameless hookers showing their wares on the street.

The Japanese maple forms a canopy under which our dumbshit cats loll and hide from their neighborhood “playmates”.  It’s also a secure redoubt from which to attack bare feet as they pass.  I planted it 26 years ago.  About 20 years ago, it died back to just some dried sticks, and I gave it up for dead.  Then, two years or so later, a new tree sprouted from the part I hadn’t had the heart to remove from the ground, and it has flourished.  They’re VERY slow growing.

That yellow rose follows the lilacs in the blooming queue in our yard.  These are the first 4 or 5 buds to bloom, but there are probably about 200 more to come, each one a giddy promise of a long summer day to come.

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