Footloose In Seattle

I walked down to the University District to do some pre-Christmas shopping last week, and found a few curiosities to shoot.

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Inexplicably, this Hawaii-themed store has survived at least 3 years in a non-mall location on 45th without much parking or non-transient foot traffic.

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Cross I-5 and you see the venerable Blue Moon Tavern.  I’ve only gone in there once or twice since I’ve lived here - it’s smoky, and not really patronized by the counterculture types it’s famous for.  Still, I love the sign (you know, I’ve walked past it several hundred times, and only on this trip became conscious that the girl on the sign is naked).  Also, there’s a piece of statuary in front called The Hammered Man (pictured below).  It’s a take-off on the Hammering Man sculpture in front of the Seattle Art Museum.  While the Hammering Man’s arm flails the air 4 times/minute at a task we can only guess at, the Hammered Man’s moving arm leaves no doubt as to its payload and purpose.

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A novel way to show your support for the UW Huskies.  I clench my butt-cheeks and hurry by, just in case the intent is not gender-specific.

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