Weather Cat AssTrophy

As if in sympathy with happenings on the Gulf Coast, our weather here, after weeks of placid, sunny days, turned on a dime yesterday afternoon - cooled off 10 or 15 degrees, clouded over and started pouring.  It was pouring again when I got up this morning.  This kind of weather shift is mood-altering.  It’s even had its effect on interspecies relations, as the cats, who have been lounging languidly around the yard the last few weeks and haven’t had much use for us, suddenly find a need for intimate human contact with their wet, scruffy fur.  I feel like throwing them into the shower, or giving them an e-ticket ride in the dryer.  They have their advocates in the house, though, and I’ll probably restrict myself to growling childishly at them when no one’s looking.

I’m hoping this weather change is just a ruse to chase the tourists away, and will give way to our Secret Indian Summer Festival (will the NCAA still let me call it that?), which lasts from Labor Day through mid-October.