High Ate Us

I was going to say I hadn’t posted recently because I’ve been pouring all my energy into my new s$x blog, but then you’d offer bribes and camp out on my parking strip trying to get the link.  Then you’d remember I turned 56 last Friday.

Yes, I indeed renewed my driver’s license on time, in the nick thereof, around 10 am Friday.  And we had a nice little celebration with a couple friends at Portalis wine bar in Ballard, followed by a terrific cake made by Mrs. Perils. (click to enlarge. an HTML trick I learned working on my s$x blog.)

The truth is, work’s been consuming me the last couple of weeks, and my sense of time’s gotten really skewed.  It’s meant weird sleeping, and some days where I barely leave the house, or my desk.  I’ve resisted, so far, hooking up the catheter in order to free up a few more extra minutes.  But it’s in the drawer.

I’ll come up for air this weekend, and get back to posting.