Where Exactly Is September, And How Did I Get Here?

I don’t know which of you guys stole summer, but when I went to check my calendar today, it was gone.  I won’t ask any questions if you return it by midnight.  If you don’t, I’m comin’ after you with both feet.

I’m in Columbus now, in preparation for our alumni band performance at Ohio Stadium tomorrow.  I flew overnight to Detroit on Wednesday night, and met up with my brother & SIL at my mom’s houseThursday.  We drove to Columbus today. 

We have a music rehearsal tonight, and tomorrow we’ll go outside with our charts and grope our way around a practice field to prepare our show.  Fortunately, they keep things really simple formation-wise, so it only takes a couple of hours to polish it up.  The complicated stuff, the entrance to the stadium and the Script Ohio drill, we already know from our shared tribal memory.  By this evening, I’ll be glad for the time I’ve spent down in the basement trying to toughen my lips up a little. 

OK, off with my horn and my camera, and perhaps I’ll have a little video for you tonight.  In case you’ve never seen Script Ohio performed, you can watch a video of it here.  It’s about 20 megabytes, so don’t try it with dialup.