Snow Way To Live

If you were watching the Seahawks-Packers game on MNF last night, you’ll know that the snow referenced in my Sunday post continued on Monday.  Actually, it started just before the evening commute, like 4:30, and the combination of that and the MNF traffic handed me a commute home from Redmond on the east side of Lake Washington that lasted almost 2 1/2 hours.

Once home, the aroma of turkey soup suggested persuasively that I skip my trip to the gym and hunker down with some comfort food, even though I’d skipped my scheduled session there Sunday.  A hopeful call to the gym to see if they’d closed early disclosed instead that they would be open as usual, so I bundled up in double-layers and gingerly trotted down there.

As I did so, conditions on the streets seemed to be worsening rapidly.  The so-called invisible “black ice” was all over, but especially on the streets.  I was amazed, however, by how many people were riding bicycles.  A gaggle of bikes, in fact, was parked outside the cheery-looking Latona Tavern.  The concept of “designated bicyclist” is hard to get my lobes around.

 Another sight that was a little jarring on the way home: a 3-ft palm tree strung with Christmas lights, its fronds weighed down by snow.