A Pause For More Snow

As we left the theater Wednesday night, snow was falling in cotton-boll sized gobs, so large and dense that when I inhaled one, I thought I might choke.  It was as if the clouds knew they only had a couple of hours to snow, and they were unloading the greatest volume they could in the shortest possible time.  Here’s a video I took after we got home.  It’s large, so it’s easier on you to stream it from Youtube than to make you download it, though the quality’s not as good:

I’ve loved the soundtrack I put in, “Snowfall” by an old big band dude named Claude Thornhill, since I first heard it on a big band compilation that my dad gave me in high school when he was trying to deflect me from rock music.  I’ve always liked big band music anyway.  This song has this air of urban sophistication that is muffled, maybe willingly distracted, by snowfall whose loveliness catches its nonchalance by surprise.  The leisurely piano notes have always conjured an image for me of snow floating past streetlights and neon signs.