Heavy Petting

A couple weeks ago, as I sat in a cafe in my neighborhood, I looked across the street and was intrigued, and then amused to see this sign:

For about a half-second, I thought it could be a startlingly candid hair salon. I mean, it’s about as hard for a salon to distinguish itself around here as it is for espresso shops and Thai restaurants, they’re so abundant. A tick later, though, I knew it had to be about pets, and I was right - it’s a store stocked with products targeted at owners of female dogs that feel compelled to pamper and anthropomorphize them.

The sign, and its use of the word “bitch”, has caused a little outcry in my urban, blue-state neighborhood, although it’s more of a PC-based complaint than a “family-values” one. My first reaction was that it was cute and clever, and to urge the application of a little humor; for instance, in the interest of inclusiveness, I’d pair the shop with one for cat owners called The Persnickety Pussy. We also have some chicken-keepers in the ‘hood who might be drawn to The Discriminating Cocksman.

But then, if you read some of the reader comments to the article, you can start to appreciate the position that a certain permission has been granted to those who use the word in a hateful fashion, and that perhaps there’s a slippery slope[Ethnic references redacted]. But it’s going to be a problem for a neighborhood that is home to Dick’s Drive-In and a bakery that sells marzipan penises to make a “community standards” argument against this sign.

One thing I can’t get beyond (if you click on the photo) - that dog’s ears are pierced.


  1. the effing raccoon? raccoon tail for all? my imagination, usually quite dependable in such circumstances, fails me.

  2. I heard about it on NPR last week. I didn’t really buy the owner’s excuse that they’re trying to “take back the word” in all its descriptive glory of female doghood after we were told that they sell products called things like “Streetwalker cologne” or somesuch.

    As to the sign, well, Butch doesn’t look too happy being dressed in drag, IMO.

    I think I know where the coon comment is going, but I ain’t going there!

  3. Phil:

    Yeah, you guys are right - the ethnic stuff was out of line. Sex sells better, anyway.

  4. KEN:

    My fave/only memory of the Erotic Bakery is walking past it as a young girl and her mother walked past in the other direction. “It looks like ballet class in there,” the little girl said.

    [This story made no sense if you’ve never looked in Erotic Bakery’s windows.]