Enough Enhancing, Already.

This seems to be the essence of my blog experience the last few days.  It’s not Novell’s fault - but I’m puzzled by the celebration of a time-out error:


  1. What happened for me is that I couldn’t even get into your site. On my Mac, the beach ball of death would spin and spin– loading. I would stop trying and move on. Now that I read this, I realize that I haven’t gotten in to your site in a while. Weird. I’m glad the problem seems to be fixed. Woohoo.

  2. i like the picture of the guy battling the big red N. is that you?

  3. Phil:

    Robin - it seems to be working a lot better the last two days or so. Perhaps it’s just wishful thinking.

    Roger - You didn’t know I was a Cornholerhusker cheerleader, did you?