
It’s good to fly west into a 3-hour sunset and descend over the beckoning Cascades and a post-card view of Elliott Bay and downtown Seattle:
click any photo to enlarge

That’s Glacier Peak in the center of the mountain picture.

And while I can’t complain about the quality and service at my new Milwaukee coffee vendor, it’s comforting to return to the place where it’s an art form. Here’s a pair of drinks we got at Chocolati on a lazy Saturday morning:

The top is Mrs. Perils’ hot chocolate, the bottom is my double-shot nonfat mocha. Ahhhh.


  1. Both of the treats from Chocolati look inviting, but I’m leaning toward yours. Generally, I like my coffe unsweetened, black, and very, very strong, but I’ve succumbed to temptation on occasion.

  2. Those look like very tasty drinks. Nice pics, too.

  3. Phil:

    John, yeah, I usually have the macchiato drink pictured in my sidebar (two shots and a dusting of non-fat foam), and I can take or leave chocolate. But the place is called Chocolati. When in Rome…

    Thanks, Robin!