Happy New Year!

A quick post to wish you all a happy and fulfilling new year. We’re off to a party at a kayak shop down by Lake Washington. Earlier in the afternoon, I went out paddling with some of he folks who will be at the party. Inexplicably, the day was simply gorgeous. Chilly, for sure, but gorgeous. I’ll let the camera do the talking Click any photo to enlarge:


We launched from Magnuson Park on Lake Washington and paddled north along the shore. I spent about 45 minutes gabbing and working on my stroke (shut up) without ever looking behind me. When I finally did, I was awestruck to see Mt. Rainier, which had been obscured behind a peninsula when we set out:

More pics in this slideshow.
Have a festive and safe new year’s eve celebration, if you’re so inclined, and check in with me next year.


  1. Geat photos; must have been a terrific day. All the best for a safe, happy, and rewarding New Year to you and yours, Phil.

  2. Glorious, eh? Bloody cloud here for New Year! Happy New Year to yourself & Mrs P.

  3. Gorgeous photos! I am always looking for good pictures of Mt. Rainier.

  4. A party in a kayak shop? Will there be pictures of that?

  5. Wow! So great to see that clear blue sky and Mt. Rainier. Looks like a perfect day for a paddle. Happy New Year, Phil!

  6. Phil:

    Thanks, all, and hope you had a good one.

  7. beatriz:

    That day was incredible. Try to remember it.