Snodeus Interruptus

There was enough snow last night to make my evening commute home from Redmond brutal, and then it pretty much stopped as I pulled into the driveway. Still, hearing cars slowly crunching by in the wee hours raised that little-kid hope that I wouldn’t have to leave the house today.

No such luck - I just got an email from a client that I have an appointment with saying that “9:30 is fine”, which means that she’s already at work from a commute no more perilous than mine. So, off I go. So far, my month has been a lot like this:


  1. beatriz:

    Whee! That little feller looks like he’s having so much fun! Hamster, right? Did you run this past the hamster afficianado in the family?

  2. Do they at least throw some decent hamster treats your way once in a while?

  3. Does the hamster keep going back in there for a spin, and then get tossed out again? It doesn’t look unhappy, maybe he likes the ride.