The White Album

Optional soundtrack - “Snowfall” by Claude Thornhill.  It’s been playing in my head since Saturday, and a commenter tweaked me about it today:

[audio: Snowfall Theme.mp3]

It seems that everyone across the country is having some form of extraordinary weather, and you’re probably sick of checking your blog lists and reading the same rapturous bleatings. So, I’m just going to cut to the chase and post photos of our Great Seattle Snowstorm of 2008.  Perhaps, soon, the blogosphere will cease resembling the Weather Channel.

The snow started in earnest Saturday evening, and Mrs. Perils and I walked up to the Santa Fe Cafe for a dessert margarita (Click any photo to enlarge):

After a morning respite, it began snowing again, and we walked down to Green Lake and around our neighborhood:

The tree in the photo below, right is, according to Mrs. Perils, called a corkscrew hazel:

Here’s Chez Perils from across the street:

And here’s the scene in our side yard:

One individual in our household you wouldn’t have found outside the house for the last 5 days is Mr. Rico:


  1. That’s quite a stormy scene. There’s something about snow that quiets a whole city, takes all the edges off, softens things. It’s beautiful, and I hope you and Mrs Perils enjoy it.

  2. mmmmmmmmm! margarita!

  3. Sue T:

    Love the title to your post. Love the piccies too. Will make sure to show them to Hannah when she gets home from work. Looks gorgeous - though I’d probably be like Mr Rico and enjoy it from the inside!

  4. Had to cue “Snowfall” when I saw your photos, including the Claude Thornhill version you once mentioned.

  5. Phil:

    Yes, Robin, there’s also something giddy about it. And, yes, Roger, the ‘rita helped!

    Sue - can’t help but envy you your first day of Aussie summer! Give our best to Hannah!

    Marcy - “Snowfall” plays a loop in my head whenever it snows. I think it’s been happening since high school. Thanks for reminding me - I’m going to edit the post & cue it up.

  6. Carroll:

    Merry Christmas, Phil and Mrs. P!