Going Modern

Software hat trick for the weekend. Because my work computer is a Macbook but I need a fulsome Windows machine for Excel, Access, etc, I rely on this Russian doll arrangement of the Mac OS hosting a VMware virtual Windows machine hosting Windows. Because each relies on the other, I’ve been reluctant to upgrade one because of the effects on the other two, etc. I’ve just let them age gracefully.

However, more and more frequently new app upgrades/installations have been shunning my architecturally adequate but earthquake-prone edifice, and I decided to upgrade all three this weekend. For the IT-savvy, this was Sierra to Monterey, Windows 7 to 10.  Yes, I’m totally exposed as having lived in a pre-Bush administration world.

Mac Monterey went well, as did VMWare.  I had to coax Win10 with some milk and cookies, but by tonight I am fully compliant.

 Just for fun on Sunday, I upgraded from Office 2010 to Office 365.

One Comment

  1. John Swinburn:

    I would swear I used to get email announcements that a new post has been published here…but no more. Am I dreaming? Was there once an email alert sent when you posted anew? Now, I have to rely on memory to come check for new posts. My memory is decaying, in keeping with the rest of me.

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