Reservation Blues
So, I’m in Perrysburg visiting my mother for what I thought was going to be a sorta-stingy 20-hour stay, flying in here from Milwaukee Friday night after work and flying out from Detroit to Seattle Saturday night. I thought this was a reasonable, though Solomonic, division of my time between hanging with Mom and vegging for a non-workday in Seattle.
So, I log on to print my boarding pass this morning and get a message that online check-in is not available for my flight. Damn, I thought, they’ve canceled the flight or otherwise contrived to complicate my life. A lingering suspicion led me to check out my reservation and, yes, my flight was scheduled to leave not on Saturday evening at 7:30, but Sunday evening at 7:30 pm. I guess that, when I was making the reservation and blitzing through various scenarios to get a decent fare and reasonable flight times, I clicked the wrong date on the last iteration.
I should have been suspicious when my upgrade to first class for the flight came down on Wednesday. As a mere Gold Elite, and not a Platinum, my usual upgrade window doesn’t start until 3 days before the flight, and lately not even then.
Had I checked my reservation last week when I first got upgraded, I’d have seen that my flight tomorrow occurs right in the middle of the Super Bowl, and it’s quite likely that I’ll be the ONLY GODDAMNED PASSENGER ON THE FLIGHT. While I really don’t have a dog in the Super Bowl hunt, I was looking forward to attending my neighbor’s annual party and chili feed tomorrow.
So, instead, Mom & I went to dinner tonight, perused a Books-A-Million bookstore and sipped espresso. We came back to her house, and I did her 2007 tax return. Tomorrow, I’ll wake up to her delightfully strong coffee and assay some other son-like chores, and it will all seem to have worked out for the best, until I land in Seattle at 9:30 pm and feel as if I need another weekend.
I might just take Monday off.